The dead man wore pyjamas
These days I am reading ‘Like the flowing river’ by Paulo Coelho. It is a collection of short stories and articles of the writer. One of them teaches a lesson which I felt like sharing.
A man was found dead in his pyjamas by a construction company in a building which was about to be demolished. Next to him lay a newspaper dated 20th February 1984. Same day was marked on the calendar on a table nearby.
The man lay there for 20 years!
And no one noticed his absence.
His company officials didn’t care to find about him as the company closed down soon after the man shifted to this building. He did this just after getting divorced. As he was under huge debt his friends thought that he had run away. Whatever be the reason nobody, simply nobody got curious about his sudden disappearance. Not even his ex-wife!
Nothing can be worse than the feeling that no one, absolutely no one, cares about us. The writer thanks the man for making him think how important friends are. I thank the writer for making me realize the same.