July 1
Hey! It’s July 1. This is the date on which our 1st year PGDBM course started. Actually today DS and I went to the insti to return books which I got issued for two months. As usual I was returning them without taking the pain to read them. I maintained my record! And as usual I will be returning them with a fine as library was closed by the time we reached there. I also have a record of returning books with fine. And I am good at maintaining these silly records. Since we went to the insti at dinner time we decided to have Khichdi (yes man its July 1. its free now !). Even I didn’t notice the date today. I realized it when I offered 20 bucks to Md. Bhai Part 2 and he refused to accept it.
Flash! July 1, 2005. Azikari started the day. He narrated an episode from Ramayan or Mahabharat (I don’t remember). It was 10-15 min narration in Sankrit which he kept translating in English. All of it went over my head. I did enjoy his first few classes. Only to realize later that he is Azikari after all. :D
Coming back to present. After having my dinner I got the opportunity to observe the new lot (read juniors). I always have a good feeling whenever I see them. A whole new bunch of people - meeting for the first time, making friends, exchanging phone nos., forming groups, being polite, speaking English, i.e. being formal, trying to be as smart as possible. he he …. I look back. At myself and people around me. We were behaving in the same fashion. I also observed few other things which I will keep to myself. Sometimes we feel we are smart. But we are not. I laughed at myself! ;)
Hey Spirit! It’s amazing when you can read line of thought of other people. ;)
Flash! July 1, 2005. Azikari started the day. He narrated an episode from Ramayan or Mahabharat (I don’t remember). It was 10-15 min narration in Sankrit which he kept translating in English. All of it went over my head. I did enjoy his first few classes. Only to realize later that he is Azikari after all. :D
Coming back to present. After having my dinner I got the opportunity to observe the new lot (read juniors). I always have a good feeling whenever I see them. A whole new bunch of people - meeting for the first time, making friends, exchanging phone nos., forming groups, being polite, speaking English, i.e. being formal, trying to be as smart as possible. he he …. I look back. At myself and people around me. We were behaving in the same fashion. I also observed few other things which I will keep to myself. Sometimes we feel we are smart. But we are not. I laughed at myself! ;)
Hey Spirit! It’s amazing when you can read line of thought of other people. ;)
Luv PS